Monday, February 9, 2009

So Grown Up!

You'd think after 3 1/2 years of being a mom, that it would be a pretty normal concept to me....but I swear that multiple times a day, I look at this little kid, and say to myself "he's mine?!".   I don't know why it still amazes me, or when it will ever seem normal to me....but I am just so grateful for this little guy.    I don't usually do blogs like this, there are just things I've been meaning to write down, and this forces me to do it!  

I can't get over all of the adult like things that he says.  I know that all of you with children this age are also astounded with your kids... I just laugh all day long at him.  He says "I certainly do", "I don't mind if .....", he has amazing problem solving concepts that surprise me every day.  

He is constantly talking about his baby brother, and I'll tell you right now, if he treats his little baby brother even half as good as he TALKS about treating him...then this is going to be one lucky little baby.  The other day Damon brought me his jacket, and laid it across my "tummy".  He said "here mom, the babies cold".  He made sure that his jacket stayed on my stomach, as long as I was laying on the couch.  This morning he cuddled up on my belly and said "Momma, I just want the baby to come out, I just love my baby brother".  Moments like that are some of the very best of my life.  He tells me every day a new "skill" that is he planning to teach his brother, walking, riding bikes, golfing, climbing the stairs....etc.

He tells me all day long that he loves me, even 5 minutes after being disciplined or put in time out.    Gives me hundreds of hugs and kisses, loves singing primary songs, loves talking about his grandma and grandpa...and can't wait for his next trip to see them.   Gosh, Damon...I Just LOVE YOU!