Some fun pictures of Damon playing soccer in our kitchen....(basically a hallway - as you can see). I should have cropped some of these pictures so you could see less kitchen...but I didn't have a chance. ..oh well. It's so fun to watch him play because he is so serious about it. He really runs and kicks, runs and kicks. He loves it. We need a yard! I can't wait until he's old enough to get him signed up for sports!

Our little cheese - ball
He's gonna be a soccer star!!
He's such a little athlete! He's gonna be one of those jocks in high school who plays a sport every season. Go Damon!
Damon would make such a good soccer-player hottie in high school! I love his cheesy grin. Oh, and we rocked the bowling lane kitchen too, gatta love it!
I love it! He's the next David Beckham! Go Damon Go!!!
Hi Michelle! Your little boy is adorable. OF course add my to your blog- and I will add you. It is fun to see all your pix- such a cute family.
Way to go Damon! I still love his long hair...we are doing the same with Wesley, which is not too common amongst toddlers these days!
You will get a yard soon enough! Until then, have fun! Hope you are a good goalie:)
He is so cute!! That is so fun that he loves soccer that much! Hopefully you will get a yard soon!!
You're almost as bad as I am! I guess we'll see who updates their blog first!
Michelle! I am soooo excited I found you. I have a bad habit of snooping through blog after blog searching for people I know and have lost contact with. I guess it worked. I can't believe that I found you. Your son is soo darn cute. I have no doubt he's your second love.
Anyway, we need to catch up. I don't think I've seen you since I got married. Check out my blog. It's rather boring and full of frivolous rants but check it out, none the less. I'm going to put you on my blogger list so I can check in with you frequently, if you don't mind. I hope all is well with you guys. Love ya!!
Marissa (Cook) Jenks
Okay, I'm an idiot. Here's my info:
We are still in Boise, coming up on 5 years now. It's weird how fast time flies. This is been the birth place of all my kids.
We will probably be here another year in a half while Ryan is finishing his undergrad and then it's off to Law School. UGH! I just want it all to be over.... One of these days.
Do you remember Jill Reese? Simmons is her last name now (if you didn't know) but we moved into her ward about a year ago and now we serve in the Primary Presidency together. She's the President and an amazing person. I just find it ironic that we are now in the same ward together so far from where we went to high school.
Anyway, I'm curious as to what took you guys to DC? I have so many friends all over the country it's so hard to keep track of all of them. I would love to visit there one day. Ryan hopes to get some inter-ships there in between law school semesters. I don't know, we'll see.
It's good to hear from you. I hope all is well. Can't wait to hear back. Love and miss you tons. take care!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I am curious about the comments you had to delete. Was my mother commenting here? :)
Damon is so adorable. I have to send you those photos from today. Such a cutie.
Wow! How fun to hear from you!! Your little boy is so cute! It sounds like things are going good for you in MD....but I'm sad you're not here anymore. I know, because we saw eachother SO much. Good to hear from you...keep in touch!
It is so fun to watch kids grow up and try to learn sports. My kids are in soccer right now. Payton did great and scored 2 goals. Rilee on the otherhand, after sitting out most of the game said,"I just want to be the soccer cheerleader." Cute pics of Damon. Which I could see you more. miss ya!!
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