Thursday, March 24, 2011

Skate Night!

Last weekend Damon's school had a "Skate Night" at the ice skating rink. Damon had never been ice skating before, and was a actually kind of nervous. He had been talking about it for over a month, and was so excited that his cute teacher was going to be there. All day long he was asking us questions about ice skating, and really wanted to know how to stop! It was hilarious. He had a rough start (first trying to learn in hockey skates) - that WAS NOT going very well, so we switched him to regular ice skates, and he did so much better. Here are just a couple of pictures that his teacher emailed me.

He now asks me everyday to take him ice skating. Typical.


Unknown said...

It's so funny how the boys all fall in love with their teachers. I can't wait for it!

TheKeilShpeel said...

I bet that was so fun

alexandra said...

typical that damon is a master skater on his first try! and he is 5! michelle, i ahve been thinking about you tons and have been so bad at being in touch bc we didnt ahve internet for a few weeks and i also didnt have a phone for about a week. huge pain. come over! we have to hang out a few times before you move away!! will, for some reason (or shall I say Wilbur?) has been talking about damond (he adds the d) basically every day this week. he really wants him to come over. i think they knew each other in heaven, or something.

Ammon and Tara said...

I almost didn't recognize Damon! His hair cut is so dang cute! What a stud.

wackywilsons said...

He is an adventurous little boy! Ice skating I am sure was right up his alley