Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall in New England....

So look at these pictures, and think of how pretty they are, then times the prettiness by 10! These pictures do not do it justice! They were all taken so randomly, usually with my phone, and they really do just show a fraction of how gorgeous it is here in the Fall.

obviously taken from our car! on the way to church....
view from my bedroom window
view from dining room window. I LOVE this tree!
This is just across the river in Vermont. These colorful hills go on forever!
view of our house....with the gorgeous pink tree! It's been a beautiful fall! (We had 6 inches of snow yesterday.) :(


Leslie said...

So, you have no idea how jealous I am that you get a beautiful fall! It makes me want to come live with you. I decided the falls in Southern California are very anti-climactic. The only good thing about living here in October is that we got a massive amount of trick-or-treaters last night. But, seriously... fall is brown and green here. BORING!

lisa holbrook said...

I really want to come out their and see it for myself. Beautiful.