Friday, November 23, 2012

Brixton Can Ski

This winter Brixton learned to ski.  Although Brixton's desire was definitely there, we were nervous if he'd catch on as easily as Damon did.  Even though he didn't excel as quickly as Damon did, he still exceeded our expectations.   I know his dad was incredibly proud...even on the cold, frustrating days.  

He was such a good sport, tried so hard, and even with some minor crashes, falls, bumps, and one bloody nose, he did really well for his first year. 

 serious ski bum brothers

He skied at Killington, the Dartmouth Skiway, and Jay Peak.  Jay Peak had the best size of hill with the best amount of slope...unfortunately, it was the furthest away. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 had it's up and downs...but overall, it ended up being a fantastic day with our New Hampshire family.  I have more pics somewhere but I haven't been able to locate this is what I have for now.  

my annual apple pie.  yummers. 

my second attempt at homemade rolls.  They were edible.  

gotta love the community center.  :)
30-something people, TONS of food, lots of kids, and lots of chaos.  Sounds about right for this group of friends.  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dartmouth Sports!

November was a month full of Dartmouth sports.  We went to a bunch of Dartmouth hockey and football games, and had a blast at both.   

 yes, the student section might be empty.  sad, I know.  
the last game of the year. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Hard Worker

A good friend of mine mentioned in a conversation that she would never be able to get all of their leaves in their backyard raked before they were going out of town for Thanksgiving.  Well, what do you know, I've got a 7 year old who loves raking leaves.  Damon was THRILLED at the idea of having a yard to rake, and I was thrilled at the idea of Damon doing something physical, something outside, and something nice for someone else.  He had a day off of school so we headed over.  

I was such a proud mom standing beside him, helping him rake and bag leaves.  On the first day we bagged 13 bags...that's right.  13.  We came back after school a few days later and probably did at least another 4 bags.  My friend was so cute and paid him $10.  He would have done it for free, but it was great for him to work really hard, and earn some money for it.   I love this kid.