First of all - I will apologize to my little sister Tara for blogging this - but I couldn't help it. I was trying to consolidate some boxes the other day, and I found this very old letter from my little sister...She is 24 that just tells you how old this letter really is. I just thought it was so cute and simple, and it just shows how funny kids can be. She said a lot of nice things about me, but I also love how she said that sometimes she thinks she hates me. I love ya T! (also thanks to jackie for scanning it for me)

Love your post title! That's the sweetest letter - it's so pure and honest and funny! You are so lucky to have such good sisters! (She's lucky to have you!) I miss mine...
This is too funny! I have a box full of letters and notes written between my friends and I in elementary school, but none of them are this funny!
How funny! I wish I could remember writing that Michelle! I still feel the same way...I love you so so so so so so so much! But I definitely don't think that I hate you! haha. Miss you!
That is great. What a fun thing to hold on to. It makes me want to dig through my old box of memories. Yeah for sisters!!
I love it! Aren't these family relationships funny? We probably all still sort of feel that way about our sisters--we love them more than anything, but no one can push our buttons quite like a sister, either.
Love it!! Mindy and I always did things like this, and we were just looking at an old notebook of her over Christmas and laughing our heads off- sister really are the best. I loved reading your past posts and am impressed with your cool treats you made- go Michelle!
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