Here is a before picture.....before what you wonder?

The most dramatic haircut of Damon's 3 1/2 years of existence

Damon is of course thrilled that he has short hair like his dad, and that his dad can spike it up just like his. (Even though we've only done this once).
Mike and I had mentioned during the week that Damon needed a haircut that weekend....Mike took Damon out on errands and to the park one Saturday morning, and when they came home (I had no idea he had taken him to get a haircut....), his hair was gone. Honestly, I cried for about 20 minutes. Ridiculous I know...but what happened to my little boy?! He looks so grown up, and all of his blonde hair is gone! (It still looks blonde in these pictures, but in real life, it doesn't look nearly as blonde). Everyone keeps telling me that he looks so cute, and grown up....but for me, I'm still traumatized, and can't wait until it's long again. I felt really bad because I didn't even hide my feelings from Damon that I didn't like it. Bad mom moment...I know.
My sister will be thrilled that it is short...she's been bugging me for 2 1/2 years to chop it off!
One cute thing was that when the haircut was done, Mike looked at Damon in the mirror, and finally thought that his little boy looked like him. I've been telling Mike for over a year that Damon is starting to look so much like him, and he didn't believe me until the day of the haircut. He thought he was looking at a mini-version of himself. Oh, how cute!
I think it is adorable! But I know what you mean about being traumatized. We had a similar experience with grant and now I love his hair short! Damon is so fang cute anyway, it doesn't matter how his hair is cut!
He looks adorable both ways! Funny how a haircut changes a little boy into a little man. Very cute!
I think he looks cute, but I'm with you...I loved his long blonde hair. If my boys hair would grow like that, I would have theirs long too!
He looks SUPER cute!!! I too am amazed at the difference a haircut makes. when my nephews cut their hair it makes them look older every time!!! He is cute though :)
I think it looks great! You're such a girl though (as always)! I cut Cade's hair (myself) this weekend (while he was sleeping) because it was driving me nuts. He got his daddy's curly hair, and it won't do anything when it gets too long. We'll see if I ever let it grow...
I love Damon's new look! At least he's a boy. Rachel once had a similar hair-cut, courtesy of her sister, and it's harder to pull off as a girl!
I love it! You poor girl, it's nuts how fast these little kids grow up!
it looks soooo cute!!! long or short not matter the length of his hair he's one good lookin' kid...and he looks like his daddy with long hair just as much as with short:)....oh and my dad says HI!!!
I like his new haircut! He is so stinkin' cute.
Oh my heck. That is so dang cute! I love the haircut. He looks cute both ways! But now you can see his beautiful blue eyes better and his cute face!
Ok we are so the same. I loved Kyle's hair long but one day we decided we should try it short and I still miss it being long. It's getting there but it's still not the same shag. You're not a bad mommy..for some reason they look so innocent when their hair is long. When we cut Kyle's I thought he looked too tough.
Damon does look cute though with short hair. At least you know he looks good with other haircuts.
he really looks so cute with his new do! I do love him long mr. j.crew! we love big d!
I think his hair is darker...underneath all those blonde locks...who knew? Before I even saw the pic of his hair spiked I was thinking he looked more like mike, too funny.
I think he looks adorable!! What a handsome little man!
He is such a cutie he can go either way!
I did go private - I hate how it won't let you see the updates on the private blogs. I miss ya! Hope you are doing well.
I know what you mean about resisting the cutting of the hair. I love longish hair on boys (Andrew makes that obvious, I guess). But Damon looks adorable. Look at that sweet happy smile in the photo with Mike. I swear, that kid could get rich quick as a tiny model. He is just the cutest thing. Really.
We love Damon...blond locks or no blond locks. He is definitely still a blone, no hiding that. Now he just looks like a little gentleman:)
loved the pictures, Michael looks good too!
Hope you got my email that I sent re your blog email address.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Love Susan xx
What a haircut! I love it! He does look more grown up...
Cute hair. You are so funny. I do know what you are talking about. My husband didn't let me cut one of my boys hair. He ended up with a comb over, because it wasn't growing evenly everywhere. I was happy when we finally cut the comb over, but I felt like it turned my baby boy into a little boy.
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