Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The New Obsession

Some of you have probably seen this because I posted it on facebook...but for those of you who haven' is Damon doing his new favorite thing.
Riding his bike at the skate park. Mike was so excited to have an extra long weekend last week (he didn't have to work Wednesday either) - so he
picked Damon up from pre-school and they headed out to two different skate parks. They were both excited that it stopped raining right on time. I
am the horrible parent who gets too much anxiety to take him to places like this....that's what dad is for. Enjoy Damon's explanation at the beginning
of the video of what he is about to do.


Jacqueline Auna and family said...

HOLY CATS! My fav is how he asks at the end "Was that awesome, dad?" lol. He is absolutely amazing, he NO FEAR! I think you may have a future champion skatepark biker on your hands! Or something - Damon's awesome!

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

I'm pretty sure I'd fall over if I tried that last massive hill !!
He's got mad skillz!

wackywilsons said...

Great job Damon! No training wheels or nothing! I think he looks great and is a pro...what a fun dad Mike is! Wes just learned how to ride without wheels and he is almost 6!

Elaine said...

Very impressive! I don't think I will let Benjamin watch this, or he'd be wanting to do the same thing. He already rides his bike and scooter down our front steps!

TheKeilShpeel said...

That is AWESOME! I haven't even gotten my son on a bike. .and I'm with you.. taking Kyle to a place like that would be too much anxiety. There are some things that are meant for Daddy's to do :)

Cassie said...

that was way AWESOME!!! he really knows how to ride on all those massive hills!!!...he is tooo cute for words!

alexandra said...

Oh my gosh Damon is amazing! He really really is! The kid is 4 years old! Oh the number of girls whose hearts he will utterly break . . . It is tragic to think about.

Ammon and Tara said...

that is so cute michelle. he is so good! haha. can't wait to see him!