Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm ready....

okay, now this is my getting down to business face....

I am ready. Ready to say goodbye to sugar.
I've been frustrated. I've been depressed.
But something hit me last night, and now I am ready.
Being a mother of two has not been that big of an adjustment,
except for the fact that I don't take as much time to take care of myself as I should.

So here I go.
Back to the diabetic diet that caused me to only weigh 6 lbs more when I gave birth, than I weighed before getting pregnant.
Back to the (more expensive) sugar free pudding, protein with every meal and snack, looking at the clock to know if it's time to eat,
and not randomly grabbing a stupid pack of fruit snacks just because.

I'm ready.
Wish me luck

My thought process is that if I blog about this, than I hold myself much more accountable for actually following through. Let's hope I'm right.


Tiana said...

Go Michelle!! You can do it!! So, you are saying I shouldn't bring you over some of the whoopie pies I was planning on making tomorrow?

Steph said...

Michelle! Good for you! You know I think you look terrific anyway (I pray that someday my legs will be as beautifully thin as yours..) but good job for wanting to be healthy. I know it was way hard to eat that way, so way to go, and good luck!

Elaine said...

Good luck! You can do it! Love you!

Deborah said...

I admire you !! ANd I know you can do it. I don't have that will power, but I should try. Especially since I won't be nursing for much longer. And you are a hottie!!

Ammon and Tara said...

Though, I know you can do it and I agree with your friends that you're great but geeze, you are so skinny! why are you doing it? I don't believe in taking any one thing away from a diet. I think that causes you to be crazy! Just moderation. So, don't have ice cream every night but you can have a cookie once in a while. Good job though. Good luck.

Zach and Katie Hillstead said...

I am impressed! I am on a mission too....two kids makes it hard for me to keep in shape and lose my baby weight as fast as last time. I can't believe you only gained six is that POSSIBLE???

Holly said...

Wow. I like the sugar-free pudding! I'm curious to know other sugar-free snacks you like and how you get protein into every snack and meal. I have a major sweet tooth, so I get how hard it can be...

TheKeilShpeel said...

Good luck

Daniel said...

You rock!!

wackywilsons said...

And you are doing this right before Valentine's day! You are a true tough girl!

You can do it woman! Keep us informed

Heidi :) :) ;) said...

Good luck! I need to follow your lead!

Jake and Roz said...

lol, I was thinking about you when I was eating pretzels (ok, so they were Cade's, but he didn't want them) in Sacrament Meeting, instead of the yummy treats you and I used to bring with us each week! I'm sure you can do it!

Dave and Mel said...

how's it going??? I love the picture on this post--you rock girlie!

Tawna said...

Go are my hero!!

PS, your boys are gorgeous.