damon @ 2 months old....
(picture taken almost exactly 5 years before his first day of school)
Seriously....where have the last 5 years of my life gone?! Damon started kindergarten last week, which in Maryland is all day long. (Is it all day in Utah?) He is gone from 8:20 until 3:30. This has been a life changing experience for me, obviously as it should be, and is for everyone. It's hard not to know what he is doing all day, if kids are being nice, if he is listening, if he is having fun, if he's worried, scared, or just fine (which I know is how he feels).
After his second day of school I told him that I missed him, I asked if he missed me too, and he seriously said "No, I forgot about you". I'm not sure I want him to like school that much!
If I knew how to do one of those collages I would...these are the many faces of my Damon....
Ready to roll
I saw this post before I left for the day and I had to comment on it. I'm so happy and sad right now. Damon is growing up so fast - he is such a talented, and handsome big kid now but it also means that we've been gone longer and we miss you guys!
OH.. I'm not ready for that next year. I love preschool but it's only 3 hours and only a couple times a week and I've had to help out in the classroom so it's nice to see exactly what's he doing. OH.. these boys can't grow up. Love the many faces of D
jeesh! When did this happen? Your son is amazingly handsome! No kindergarten here is half day and it's still as hard. I wonder about all of the same things you do with a whole day. You make the cutest mama.
Kids growing up is so bittersweet. They love all their new experiences and adventures and it is exciting, but sad to see them need us less and less. Kate started kindergarten too. She loves it, but I miss her and worry about all those same things. Same with all the kids. In some ways, middle school is harder because you worry that other kids aren't being nice and that they are being exposed to such bad things. But it is also so great to see our kids turn into real people that are fun to be around. Yep...very bittersweet.
oh my goodness, he's so grown up! your boys are so cute handsome :)
Okay, he's gotta be the cutest baby ever...and he stayed cute! Brixton is getting so big too! :)
I just left a long comment that was deleted. Ugh.
1) Damon is the cutest 2 month old ever. Who looks like that at 2 months? No one but Damon.
2) I can't believe he is already in Kindergarten. Based on his skills I would think he was 10 yrs old, seriously (what kindergartner rides a 2 wheel bike to school?), but where did the time go?
No Mom. I forgot about you. Oh I love it. Kids just say it like it is. What a cute boy. By the way download Picasa 3... it is the best for making collages.
I'm freaking out that he is old enough for kindergarten, and he's not even my child!! I know I'm going to be a mess when Abbi goes to kindergarten - I cried when she first went into nursery! Good thing I have several more years to prepare.
Look at that boy! All day kindergarten? That's a big step for mommy, I'm sure! He sure is a cute kindergartener though :) He's certain to fit right in especially if he's ready to play soccer with the big kids!
Hey there girlie!!! I just read all your summer posts and love catching up on your life. Looks like it was a great summer and I still get blown away by Damon and his biking skills...the kid is going to go pro! I loved his birthday party at the skate park-- that would have been the best day of James' life and looked so fun!
I loved this post and totally bawled my eyes out the night before Zanna started school because I felt just like this. Time really is flying and it is hard to have your kiddos gone all day when they are only 5, but then you realize how good it is for them and it makes you appreciate the time they are home more. NY had all day Kindergarten but it is half day/full day split out here in CA and I like that.
anyway..this is so long, but thanks for the sweet comment and I love reading your blog and you too!
So what will you do with yourself all day long! All those naps, canning chicken and gym classes ? LOL
kindergarten all day long? wow...talk about life changing. that's crazy! cute damon is growing up. so is brix. i can't believe his hair cut! it's so cute though, really. your kids could both be bald and be adorable. love ya.
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