Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a wonderful Christmas!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this was the first year in a very long time that we would not be in Utah for Christmas.....As much as we have loved spending this fantastic holiday with our was kind of special to finally do it on our own. I definitely took more videos than I did pictures....which I am now regretting....but I have to say that we (and our kids) definitely felt spoiled by our families this year. We were so grateful for their generosity.

wake up dad!!!!!
we were lucky enough to have these little guys jump in our bed, and hang out for a few minutes before we headed downstairs.
cute brothers.....heading down!

It didn't take long for Cars 2 to be in the computer for the boys to watch.
this went on for a while.....but I didn't even care. :)
Merry Christmas! (a few weeks late) :)


Steph said...

I love the picture of the boys on your bed. Damon and Mike are making the exact same face-- so cute! Also, I love that pattern on your comforter!

Deborah said...

They look like such good friends. I love it!!

Ammon and Tara said...

so fun! i love their cute jammies!