A few months back we were having a Girls Night at my friend Jenny's house, (actually watching another all time favorite "Sound of Music" - are we dorks?) and I saw this movie sitting on her shelf of DVD's UPOPENED! I couldn't believe she had never even seen it. It has been one of my favorites movies since I was young...but I hadn't seen it in such a long time - that I had kind of forgotten about it...well not forgotten..but you know what I mean...so I borrowed it (and have yet to return it to her...whoops...hee hee...), then last week I saw the movie at my good friend, Jackie's house...She didn't have a choice but to watch it with me....I just love it! I told my husband that one day (many years from now) we need to go to that hotel! It looks so amazing! If you haven't seen it...you definitely need to. - warning - it is kind of depressing...but most good love stories are at some point....

I remember you liking that movie and I hated it because I didn't understand it and he was always in his room like having a breakdown or something. I should watch it. Maybe I'll understand it now that I am older!
I'm the one who made you watch this show with me!! I loved it - it's classic, romantic and a heart-wrencher. (tara, I know you don't know me, but I've heard a lot about you! You're so funny and you definately have to watch this show again!)Michelle, thanks making me laugh and for being such a great friend. Damon's so sweet to like this movie!
I don't think I've seen that movie either...but now I think I'll have to try it. Thanks for the tip.
Hey Michelle!
I LOVE that movie, too! It's been a while since I've seen it--I wish I could've been there to watch it with you guys!
Miss you! Andrea
I like this movie too! It is a little confusing, and depressing, but good. I need to watch it again sometime.
Ok Michelle! I now remember why we clicked so well. We are both so sappy and love these crazy love stories! I love you girl! We gotta catch up soon.
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