Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Love / Hate Relationship

So if you know Brixton, you know that he loves stuffed animals, or basically anything with fur. But we have this small problem with our little friend Tickle Me Elmo. Well, he loves him....because he's little, and furry....but if Elmo's button gets switched to "ON" - it is another story. It literally is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. The look on his face when Elmo starts talking or moving is pure terror. It is seriously heart breaking.

Yes, those are tears in his eyes. We try every once in a while to turn him on and see if he'll grow out of this terror stage, but nothing so far. The crazy part is, that he really loves Elmo! He brings me Elmo books, he points him out if we are at the store/mall and he see's pictures of him...etc...He just can't handle the toys that laugh in your face I guess. If I was a bad mom I'd get the total breakdown on video....hhmmmm...


Tiana said...

Am I a bad friend if I say I want to see that video?

Steph said...

That is so sad and so sweet at the same time. Haha, love the teary picture. Poor guy!

Wendy said...

My youngest sister had a tickle-me Big was kind of creepy. :) Cute pictures though. He is looking so grown up!