Thursday, May 8, 2008


So I guess this is the latest tag, and I've had 2 or 3 friends tag me, so I guess I should do it...I wish I was more interesting...

3 Joys
3 Fears
3 goals
3 current obsessions / collections
3 random / surprising facts

3 joys
- my family
- road trips

3 fears
- obviously - anything bad happening to my family
- (i don't remember which one of my friends listed this as a fear, but it cracked me up because i have the same fear!) - doing a cartwheel! 
- mice - alive or dead - just ask Tiana

3 goals
- to lose weight
- to continue to scrapbook - even though I have a blog now
- run a 1/2 marathon next Spring - maybe if I tell people I'll do it...I'll be more motivated to actually do it

3 current obsessions 
- when I'm home I get obsessed with checking my email (for some dumb reason)...but when I'm not home,  I don't even think about it
- trying to spend a lot of time outside before it gets poopy and humid
- going to bed early (boring, I know...but I love it)

3 surprising facts
-  I won the school spelling bee in 5th grade 
- I broke my wrist roller-blading down a canyon....the funny thing is that I wasn't even roller-blading when I fell.  I was just standing waiting for something, and my feet slipped from under me.  (I don't ever tell people that part of the story). 
- I love doing dishes in the morning. 

I tag whoever feels like being tagged!


Andrea said...

Yeah! You did it, I think you're the only one I tagged who's done it so far. I totally concur with over 1/2 of these, I guess that's part of why we are friends! Did you hear we're moving to SC? See my blog. Love ya.

Tiana said...

he he...mice.
You seriously like doing dishes in the morning? Come and do mine!!

Ammon and Tara said...

Okay, you are so funny. First of all, congrats on having Damon potty trained! That's awesome and that probably feels great! Congrats on running a 1/2 marathon...that's something I want to do too! I love doing my dishes in the morning too, because I didn't want to the night before! Last but not never told me that you fell rollerblading while you were just standing there! haha!

Chelsea said...

Hehe, so we definitely do have things in common besides the whole cartwheel thing. I also am checking my email a little too much and have a goal to do a 1/2 marathon this year. The bad news is I did put it on my blog hoping that would keep me from wimping out on it.'s in 2 weeks and I've only gotten up to 3 miles and haven't registered yet. Apparently it didn't work. :( Good luck, I'll keep on you to do it!